Settlement Specialists know our community and can help you get the information you need to make good decisions about your life in Canada.
Services are provided at no cost to eligible newcomers as service is funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
Eligibility Criteria
To access Settlement Services, clients must present immigration documents for any of the following statuses in Canada:
Permanent Residents
Convention Refugees
Live-in Caregivers
Ukrainian nationals who arrived to Canada under the CUAET Program

Complimentary Services
Benefits Of Our Services!
Career Assessments: Identify vocational skills and interest areas based on self-strengths and limitations; receive guidance in assessing level of employability.
Develop positive attitude/tools to deal with, and overcome barriers to settlement and employment for newcomers.
Work with a Settlement/Employment Counsellor to identify individual needs and access resources.
Prepare for successful integration into Canadian culture & introduction to Canadian workplace culture.
Advocacy: receive assistance with connecting to community partners and government entities.
Achieve a greater level of sufficiency built on self-esteem and independence.