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  • Are there any charges for availing your services?
    Fees are not directly charged to participants, but may be applicable, depending on the referral source and the participants source of income. Please contact us at 905 670 1967 for more information
  • If I require special accommodations, are you able to help me?
    Our facility is fully accessible to all participants. We provide wheelchair accessible washrooms, a wheelchair ramp, and electronic door opening equipment. We have Zoom Tech Computer screens for participants with visual impairments and we have a Sit/Stand computer station for participants with limited standing/sitting tolerances.
  • How do I refer a client to Peel Career Assessment Services?
    Review our “Programs” page to determine which service is most appropriate for your client and then refer to the specific referral instructions on each program page.
  • Will you prepare resume and cover letter for me?
    Our Employment Counsellors will help you learn the tools and techniques needed to develop all of your written job search tools, including: resumés, cover letters, email messages and application forms.
  • Will you find me a job?
    Peel Career Assessment Services will provide you with the necessary tools, techniques, assistance and job leads to effectively communicate with employers.
  • How will I benefit from participating in the Full Suite Services program?
    We tailor the Full Suite Services program around the specific needs and goals of each participant. We can assist you in planning and conducting your job search or with career decision making. You will receive assistance in resumé and cover letter development, as well as job interview preparation and access to labor market information. You will learn traditional and non-traditional job search techniques that really work!
  • What types of Settlement Services are offered at Peel Career Assessment Services?
    Employment readiness determination; career decision making assessment; solution focused counselling on settlement, employment and other related matters; information and referral services; job search skill workshops; assistance with various applications, i.e. Permanent Resident, Citizenship, Subsidized Housing, SIN and OHIP; and free access to computer, internet, telephone, fax and photocopy machines.
  • In what languages are the Settlement Services offered?
    Services are provided in English, French, Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese, Arabic, Dari, Pashto, Persian/Farsi, Ukrainian, Russian, Nepali, Hindi. Punjabi and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

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