Job Seeker
Job Market Exploration
We offer targeted workshops to enhance employment success through informative sessions.
Education & Training Opportunities
Better Jobs Ontario: Trains laid-off individuals for jobs with promising prospects in Ontario.
Workshops & Resources
We offer targeted workshops to enhance employment success through informative sessions.
Employment Research Centre
No-cost, drop-in job resource center for individuals to conduct a job search

Eligibility Criteria
Be licensed to operate in Ontario.
Appropriate WSIB or alternate insurance coverage.
Third-party general liability insurance.
Recruitment Services
We provide Employers with user friendly recruitment services ranging from: sourcing qualified candidates, short listing candidates, conducting screening interviews tailored to employer requirements, provide recommendations or consultation on candidate suitability and etc.
Employment Hiring Incentives
Provide qualified employers with tax fee Government Hiring Incentives to recruit & retain talent, and reduce onboarding and hiring cost to promote workforce development.
Canada Ontario Job Grant
A Provincial & Federal Government Subsidy program available to qualified employers to cover the cost of training for existing and new employees to fill skill gaps and labor shortages. Employers can get up to $10,000 of support per employee for training cost.